- Special FeaturesFoundation Year500 years oldSthala TreeTheerthamRathamArchitectureDravidian architectureOther SpecialityLord Sri Lakshminarayana graces in three forms – Varaha, Kannan-Krishna and also as Lakshminarayana.
- Sthala Puran
Sacred places where Lord Vishnu appeared Himself (as swayambu in Shiva temples) are called Swayamviyakta Kshetras. Lord Vishnu appeared here this way.
A devotee from Andhra Pradesh, Narayana Theerthar was suffering from acute stomach pain. He undertook a pilgrimage to all Vishnu temples for a cure. He relaxed in a Vinayaka temple in this place. An old man appeared in his dream that night and asked him to follow any live being he would see on opening the eyes in the morning. Therthar saw a white swine while opening his eyes and followed it as directed. The animal entered the temple and disappeared. Narayana Theerthar understood that the swine was none other than Varaha form of His avatar and began raining Keerthanas (songs set to Ragas and Talas according to musicology rules) in praise of the Lord. Lord graced him His darshan with Bama and Rukmini. He sang in praise of the Lord which later had been edited as “Krishna Leela Tharangini”. As the Lord appeared in the form of the swine, the place is known as Varahur.
- Architecture
- Alankar of Deity
- Prayers and BenefitsSpecial Vratas and Prayers
Those seeking child boon use to place an anklet at the feet of the Lord and wear it then.
Offerings to DeityAfter realizing the child boon, the devotee returns the anklet to Lord Himself.
Famous Tamilnadu preparations as Murukku, Cheedai, Thattai – all salted preparations – are offered as nivedhana.
Stotras and Mantras
- FestivalsSri Krishna Jayanthi in August September is the important festival of the temple.
- Sodasha Upcharas
- PrasadhasA powder made of herbals as Tulsi, cardamom, borneal (pachai karpooram), clove etc. is offered as Prasad to devotees.
- Social ActivitiesAnnadhanMarriageEar BoringHead ShaveDanaasEducation FacilitiesSocial DrivesOther Activities
- Arjita Seva
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