- Special FeaturesFoundation Year1000 - 2000 years oldSthala TreePunnaiTheerthamBrahmma TheerthamRathamArchitectureDravidian architectureOther Speciality
- Sthala Puran
As the place could not be destroyed by Pralaya the deluge, an exception to this natural rule (Purambu in Tamil), the place is called Tiru-Purambiam. Deluge could not cover this place. The place is also known as Kalyanamanagar and Punnahavanam.
A girl, Rathnavalli by name came to this place with a youth arranged by the parents for her marriage. Unfortunately, the youth died of snake bite , but was restored to life by Saint Ganasambandar who was incidentally present in the place. He also conducted their wedding, with Lord Shiva and the Vanni tree as witnesses.
As Lord Shiva was witness (Sakshi) to the marriage, He is praised as Sakshinathar. The Vanni tree is in the second prakara. This episode finds a chapter in Tiruvilayadal Puranam (an epic on Lord Shiva written by Paranjothi Munivar) and also in the Sthalapurana.
Lord Shiva graces in the temple as swayambumurthy . Honey abishek is performed for Pralayam Katha Vinayaka ( Vinayaka who protected from deluge) on Vinayaka Chaturthi festival day. The wonder is that the honey used for abhishek gets absorbed by the idol.
This is one of 24 sacred places attributed to Lod Dakshinamurthy. Sage Agasthya, Brahma, four Sanakathi rishis and Sage Viswamitra worshipped here.
- Architecture
- Alankar of Deity
- Prayers and BenefitsSpecial Vratas and Prayers
Pray for successful conclusion of marriage talks, child boon and progress in education
Offerings to DeityStotras and Mantras
- FestivalsMaha ShivarathriFebruary - MarchMargazhi ThiruvadiraiDecember - JanuaryAipasi AnnabishekamOctober - November
- Sodasha Upcharas
- Prasadhas
- Social ActivitiesAnnadhanMarriageEar BoringHead ShaveDanaasEducation FacilitiesSocial DrivesOther Activities
- Arjita Seva
- Tags