- Special FeaturesFoundation YearSthala TreeTheerthamRathamArchitectureOther SpecialityCharchika Temple is one of the oldest Shakta places in Odisha, India.
- Sthala Puran
The present temple was reconstructed in the 19th century. But the remarkable point is the enshrining deity Maa Charchika on an iconographical point of view can be assigned to the 9th – 10th centuries A.D. i.e. Bhaumakara rule in Odisha.
It is believed that the Charchika idol was created by Parashurama. On an evening when he was taking bath in river Mahanadi, he saw a stone was lifting and falling continuously. He approached the stone and found a women face on it. He immediately lifted the stone and kept it with him. Properly established it at a place and worshipped. Maa Charchika dreamt him and ordered to construct her temple.
The temple has a pidha vimana, jagamohana, and a wooden mandapa known as "sunyavahini mandapa" of impoverished Kalingan order.
The Renuka River was recreated by the flood of 1982. It is believed that one devotee who worshiped Maa Charchika, after pleasing her, took away all ornaments of Maa Charchika and build a house where this river is currently flowing. As Maa Charchika was furious with this, she created this River Renuka to punish him and to destroy his home. This temple is situated in the heart of Banki.
- Architecture
Simple Kalingan traditional style of mandir construction has been adapted to build the temple. the entrance is kept small at three ends. Small annexes were attached to the temple from three sides. In these annexes, Arti and Pooja materials are kept for further proceedings. The Dome of the temple has been provided with moldings and layers of bricks and other materials. The basement of the temple is 1ft high and the dome is of semicircular shape with Brass Kalash kept on it. Near the temple, a large shed is constructed to accommodate the devotees for any celebration held at the temple. Stone is used for the construction of the temple and the entire surface is thickly lime plastered and whitewashed. The ceiling of the mandapa is made of wood whereas the pillars are in stone. The ceiling of the mandapa is profusely carved and painted. The wooden ceiling of the mandpa is relieved with episodes from Bhagavata Purana with an intervening decoration of animals and birds like - elephant, duck, parrot, peacock, etc.; floral motifs, lotus medallions, scroll and jali works, animal hunting, horse rider, gaja-vidalas, makaramukha, mithuna and maithuna images. Besides, the parsvadevata niches enshrine four-armed Chamunda, four-armed Mahisasuramardini Durga, and an eight-armed Chamunda on the north, west, and southern side respectively.
And Mata is seated on a prostrate human body and wearing a garland of human skulls. She displays khadga, shula, katari, and varadamudra in her four right hands whereas the four left hands represent severed head, blood-cup, ‘’damru’’, and leaving a finger of the remaining hand soaked in blood.
- Alankar of Deity
- Prayers and BenefitsSpecial Vratas and PrayersOfferings to DeityStotras and Mantras
- FestivalsDurga PujaKali PujaKumar PurnimaHindu festival celebrated 5 days after Dusshera, is very famous here.
- Sodasha Upcharas
- Prasadhas
- Social ActivitiesAnnadhanMarriageEar BoringHead ShaveDanaasEducation FacilitiesSocial DrivesOther Activities
- Arjita Seva
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